Tuesday 31 December 2013

Christmas 2013!

Is it just me or has this year gone super fast? I can not believe that 2014 is just around the corner.

I know that Christmas was nearly a week ago, but there is still no harm in blogging a week later, is there? This year, it didn't feel at all like Christmas. However it was still amazing.

My Christmas day always starts opening a big stocking of presents from my mum and dad. I know that Christmas is not at all about presents, and to be honest I prefer the giving side of it. But I am SO grateful for what I received. I am super excited because this year I got a Fujifilm camera, this means better quality pictures and a lot more blog posts! yay!

This is our lovely tree (it looks a lot better with the sparkly lights on though:)

Such an amazing Christmas and such a lovely year. I hope 2014 turns out to be just as good. Happy new year to everyone. I am thinking of doing an blog post of all my instagram pictures from 2013 and share with you some great memories.

                                                      How was your Christmas this year?

- Grace x

Thursday 5 December 2013

Christmas Fitness Spirit!

So seeing as its the ultimate run up until Christmas (yay!) I thought I would do a little blog about my recent fitness routine. I think that Christmas is the time to pig out and eat whatever you want. Its also the time that I usually pile on the weight. However! this year I am determined to keep fit on the days counting down to Christmas and when we reach the most amazing day of the year, I won't feel as guilty for eating lots of junk.

My usual weekday meals:

Breakfast- so usually I start the day with some Weetabix, to spice it up a bit I tend to throw on some fruit and occasionally a bit of yoghurt. If I need to rush I tend to have some yoghurt with some chopped up banana on the top.

Snacks- Recently I have been loving to snack on the belvita breakfast fruit biscuits. But I do love good old fruit during the day.

Lunch- I tend to have wholemeal wraps for my lunch. In the wrap I pop in some humous, thin wafer chicken and a bit of salad. With the wrap I usually have some mini cheddars.

Dinner- I usually try to have a balance dinner but I cant always promise its the healthiest food.

Drinks- water/juice.

 Use weekends as your treat day.

Breakfast- I love scrambled eggs with some tomatoes (it is so yummy!)

Snacks- usually the same as weekdays unless I am having a treat, then I opt for chocolate (oops!)

Lunch- A lot of the time I tend to have soup as its just the easiest thing to make.

Dinner- (usually same as weekdays, although it probably isn't as balanced)

Drinks- Juice/fizzy pop.

Don't feel as though you have to be super healthy day in, day out. You don't really want your diet to get too boring which ends up with you slipping out of the healthy eating routine.


I am going to link an amazing work out which I have started to do. I like to do this near enough every day. Don't push yourself too hard. Just do what you think you can cope with.

Let me know if you would like any healthy recipes from me!

                                                          Are you starting to get fit for the holidays?

Much love,
Grace x